The Optimum Health Centre (OHC) is a newly established health facility in the KZN Midlands that focuses on assisting individuals to permanently resolve persistent health issues, including chronic pain conditions, gut dysfunction, auto-immune conditions, cancer, cardio-vascular disease, etc.
Crucially, the OHC takes a multi-disciplinary approach to working with clients, and includes not only highly experienced medical doctors, but also qualified and experienced health professionals from a variety of health fields, including dietetics, health coaching, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and nervous system-informed psychotherapy
Importantly, the Optimum Health Centre does not take the place of a client’s GP. In this regard, one’s GP will continue to play an important role in prescribing medications that serve to provide immediate and ongoing relief from the symptoms of one’s particular health condition/s. However, as a client begins to engage with our root cause approach to resolving chronic health conditions, they will find that the need for certain medications is likely to diminish and, in many cases, may not become necessary after a while.
A root cause approach
In essence, the OHC has been created to fill a critical gap in the current SA medical / health care system. This gap is the almost complete absence of interventions that are required to identify and resolve the root causes of the many chronic health conditions that individuals are experiencing. Medications play an important role in managing the symptoms and reducing the suffering that people experience, but medications almost never resolve the root causes and, as a consequence, almost never ensure long-term, sustained health and well-being. Engaging with the interventions provided by the OHC team allows a client’s body to re-enter the natural “healing state” and gradually remove the underlying causative factors that have prevented a full recovery up until this point in time.
In terms of the root cause approach that the OHC has successfully adopted, our team of health professionals collaborate very closely with one another to ensure that a client receives highly personalized treatment, based on the results of the assessments and blood tests that we recommend they have. Test results tell us what the underlying root causes are and can point to the presence of chronic low-grade infection, environmental toxicants, systemic inflammation, a disrupted gut microbiome, and/or an unhealthy nervous system amongst others.
The above assessment results allow us to recommend various individualized interventions. These may include a combination of one or more of the following, including: targeted vitamin / mineral supplementation, changes in one or other lifestyle habits, engagement with specific detoxification processes, and the resetting of the nervous system amongst others. Importantly, a client will generally work with a number of OHC team members who will provide regular consultations to support, guide and monitor the changes that are being made. This collaborative process between team members and between team members and client will continue for as long as is required via online and/or face-to-face consultations.
Meet the team - pictured above
Seated (from left): Lisa Glaister – Health Coach, Keri Strachan – Dietician
Standing: (from left): Dr Irwin Friedman, Julie Ann van Veenendal – Occupational Therapist, Kathryn Millar – Health Coach, Alistair Chadwick - Psychologist
Not present: Dr Stephan Vosloo, Helen Gatley - Occupational Therapist, Mandy Rawlins - Physiotherapist
We can all be contacted via phone on: 079 472 5309 / 066 269 8229 or via email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.