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The Perfect recipe to spoil Dad

tasha and dadDo you have that one treat that you remember from your birthday parties or that your Mom made for you.
This is a very simple recipe that you can make for Dad this month. Pour into a dish or divide into cup cakes – Adults will become children again, just like when you eat our fudge!
Use it as a dessert for a dinner party, it travels well when camping . It has never disappoints and it multiplies up brilliantly.

• 80g butter
• 2 tablespoons syrup
• 150g chocolate – dark or milk
• 100g chopped up fudge
• 40g toasted almonds – optional
• 85g cornflakes

1. Weigh out the cornflakes, toasted almonds and chopped up fudge.
2. Prepare dish or cup cake holders that you are going to put your mixture into.
3. Melt syrup, chocolate and butter together.
4. When fully melted pour over cornflake mix and stir well.
5. Refrigerate and enjoy!
News supplied by Tasha's Fantastic Fudge.

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